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Cat facts

  1. General...
  2. Origin of Species
  3. Physiology of the Cat
  4. Senses
  5. Coat Colors
  6. Cat Breeds
  7. Cat Shows
  8. History and Legend
  9. Cats in Art and Literature
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Origin of Species

Most authorities believe that the shorthaired breeds of domestic cat are derived from the Caffre cat, F. libyca, a species of African wildcat domesticated by the ancient Egyptians perhaps as early as 2500 BC and transported by the Crusaders to Europe, where it interbred with the indigenous smaller wildcats. The longhaired breeds may have sprung from the Asian wildcat, F. manul. Over the centuries, cats have remained virtually the same in size, weighing about 3.6 kg (about 8 lb) when full-grown, and have preserved their instinct for solitary hunting.

"Cat," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2003
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